All Projects.
Intro to RL
Reinforcement learning is an absolutely fascinating subfield of machine learning. I wanted to write a paper providing a comprehensive introduction of the fundamentals.
ASU Course Tracker
A way for students to track the number of seats available for any course at ASU.
A photo-sharing application where users can create albums, post photos, tag their photos, view others' photos, like, comment, etc.
Twitch Chat Analyzer
Chrome extension that analyzes a twitch stream and reports a percentage positivity of the chat.
Pizza Shop
A pizza ordering system built for a fake pizza restaurant named "SunDevil Pizza".
CFG Parser
C++ program that reads and parses a context-free grammar. Outputs requested information about the grammar.
Simple Interpreter
A C++ program that interprets a simple language and executes the instructions specified by that program.
Shoot 'Em Up
Basic FPS game built with Unity. I initially planned on fully fleshing this game out and releasing on Steam, but I later became more interested in web dev.
The Burger Center
A landing page for a fake restaurant named "The Burger Center". Just wanted to practice my CSS and React skills.
Postman Clone
A very simple clone of postman that uses Axios to make requests.
Old Project Portfolio
The old version of my personal website.
Hideous, I know.
Motor Skillz
A simple game for toddlers.
Color Tools
Simple tools for generating random colors or converting colors from RGB to HEX and vice versa.
Huffman Coding
CLI programs that encode/decode text files using Huffman coding.
Data Structures
An implementation of hash tables, heaps, and binary search trees in C++.
Graph Algorithms
An exercise of the DFS, Floyd-Warshall, SCCs algorithms.
Simple snake game.
Tic Tac Toe
Simple Tic Tac Toe game.